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& Justice

with Clara Nepper Winther, Teacher, Krogerup Højskole

In this strand, we will discuss how policies and narratives around migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and border control can become more just. You will learn about the opportunities and challenges of globalization and how to navigate the different laws inside and outside Schengen. We will discuss Frontex, culture and identity, what justice means to us, and how we can ensure the rights of people who have crossed borders.

Who knows, which location I am at? Am I being listened to by my device? When Instagram has so many pictures of my face, does that mean, they own my identity? I have seen human beheadings and animals set on fire on TikTok – who do I call to remove it?


In the course ‘Technology and Democracy, we identify the people of power in the digital world, and discuss various themes of surveillance, content moderation, misinformation and the current rise of information warfare and cybercrime. We dive into technological concepts and explore the human psychology to answer complex questions about the future of the (not only) digital world. The course is concluded with a perspective on the current political change: good things are happening, and they are happening right now.


The course is planned in cooperation with Kritik Digital, a Danish youth movement who questions the people of power in the digital world and wants to put people in charge of the civic development in the age of information.

Technology & Democracy

with Mikkel Vinther, Teacher, Krogerup Højskole

New Economy

with Nicholas Fitzpatrick, Ph.D, Aalborg University

We need to rethink the Economy of our society to be able to meet the needs of humans and nature. Therefore, we investigate new ideas and movements within the ‘New Economy’, including wellbeing economy, the doughnut economy, feminist economics, post-growth, cooperatives, and more, in order to find ways in which the economic system can work within planetary boundaries while securing wellbeing for our population. These are some of the issues you will discuss in this strand.

In 2019 the EU announced an ambitious legislative project - the Green Deal - aiming to make the EU climate neutral by 2050. Climate needs to be at the heart of everything and mainstreamed into every decision-making process. To fight climate change, we need to implement laws that are a lot more ambitious than what already exists, and change the way we live. But how do we mobilize people and put pressure on the politicians to act? How do we balance fear and hope and sustain our motivation? And what does a sustainable society even look like? In this strand you will work on climate activism and solutions to integrate sustainability in your everyday life and for future generations.

Climate & Environment

with Anna Bjerre, Activist, The Green Youth Movement

Polarisation in Europe

with Mads Phillipsen, Teacher, Krogerup Højskole, &
Lea Friedberg, Politician, Copenhagen, and Citizens' Representation

Europe is  experiencing some serious problems that are of great importance to us all: the refugee situation, the climate crisis, the War in Ukraine, Brexit, Catalonia's desire for independence, the rise of populism and right-wing nationalism, sexism, and so on. Polarisation between people, movements, ideology, and countries are rising. How can we stand united in the EU? These are some of the topics we will come across in this strand.


Follow this link below to send your application for the summer school. At the following page you will be asked to provide general information as well as a motivation for you stay.​

  • The deadline for the application will be at May 31st.

  • The deadline for your answer will be at medio June.

Do you have any questions contact Nina Clausager:


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