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18. jul. 2024
von der Leyen genvalgt: sådan ser kommissionens politik ud de næste fem år
Ikke ambitiøst nok, men med muligheder for civilsamfundet for at presse på. I dag genvalgte det nye Europa-Parlament Ursula von der Leyen...

12. mar. 2024
Wellbeing Economy - En økonomi for fremtiden
En konference i København til maj skal bringe bringe trivselsøkonomi på dagsordenen. Som en del af Wellbeing Economy Alliancen er Nyt...

1. dec. 2023
Grønne organisationer: Danmark bør tage lederskab og stoppe udlån til fossile projekter
Mette Frederiksen og Dan Jørgensen bør tage til COP28 med lovning på at stoppe danske bankers lån til nye fossile projekter og de virksomhed

3. apr. 2023
We don’t need to build a new world from the ashes of the old - however..
Topics: Regenerative Capitalism Group members: Franz and Clara “System change not climate change” is one popular Fridays for Future...

3. apr. 2023
Flaws in a perfect shape. Regenerative capitalism — solution or danger?
Topic: Regenerative Capitalism Group members: Anna, Valentin, Aliia, and Lily Marie The term Regenerative Capitalism (RC) sounds like a...

3. apr. 2023
Raise your voice: let’s build our future together
Topic: Beyond Growth Group members: Laura, Halfdan, Mária, Vivienne, Emma and Andrea The consequences of climate change have been...

3. apr. 2023
Degrowth economy shows us that less can mean more
Topic: Degrowth Group members: Clara, Judith, Luca, Lucas, Michalina To create a safe and sustainable future we need to rethink the...

3. apr. 2023
Topic: Policies for a Fairer Economy Group members: Ellie, Jonathan, Mack & Nour There have been increasing calls in recent years for a...

3. apr. 2023
Topic: Global Social and Economic Inequalities Group members: Vyara, Jonathan, Sylvester, Marina & Viktoria Climate change places...

8. feb. 2023
Talks Beyond Growth
On Socio-Ecological Crisis & Capitalism How is the current economic system aggregating environmental and social injustice, and how should...
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